Academic Works and Articles

This will be a list of academic studies which will be of interest to those wanting to study militant anti-fascism.

If you have written an essay which is of good quality or contains original research please email:

Essays not written by academics

On the Principles of Political Violence and the Case of Anti-Fascist Action (The Archivist, 2012)

“Taking It Back, Making It Strong!”: The Boundary Establishment And Maintenance Practices Of A Montréal Anti-Racist Skinhead Gang

The National Front and British National Party on Merseyside. A Geography of Political Extremism

Blackshirts in Red Scotland: an analysis of fascism and its opponents in inter-war Scotland

Articles on Anti-Fascism

Communists and the Inter-War Anti-Fascist Struggle in the United States and Britain (Copsey, 2011)

Anti-Fascist Activity in Manchester’s Jewish Community (Gewirtz)

1946 – 1959

“Class Before Race”: British Communism and the Place of Empire in Postwar Race Relations (Smith, 2008)

1960 – 1979

Conflicting Narratives of Black Youth Rebellion in Modern Britain (Smith)

A Bulwark Diminished: The Communist Party, the SWP and anti-fascism in the 1970s. (Smith)

Bridging the Gap: The British Communist Party and the limits of the state in tackling racism (Smith)

Are the Kids United? The Communist Party of Great Britain, Rock Against Racism and the Politics of Youth Culture (Smith)

1968 – Too Little and Too Late? The Communist Party and Race Relations in the Late 1960s (Smith, 2008)

When the Party Comes Down: The CPGB and Youth Culture, 1976-1991 (Smith)

Witness Seminar: Anti-Fascism in 1970s Huddersfield (2006)

1980 – date

Anti-Fascist Action: Radical Resistance or Rent-a-Mob? (Hayes and Alyward, 2000)

Marching Altogether? Football fans taking a stand against racism (Thomas, 2010)

When the Whites When Marching In: Racism and Resistance in English Football (Greenfield and Osborn, 1996)

Glasgow Celtic Fans, Political Culture and the Tiocfaidh Ar La Fanzine: Some Comments and a Content Analysis (Hayes, 2006)

The Limits of National Memory: Anti-Fascism, The Holocaust and the Fosse Ardeatine Memorial in 1990s Italy (Clifford, 2008)

Neo-Nazism, Holocaust Denial and UK Law (Cohn-Sherbok, 2010)

Choosing Social Justice over Hate Two Stories of Community Success in the Pacific Northwest (Stewart, 2010)

The Politics and Culture of FC St. Pauli: from leftism, through antiestablishment, to commercialization (Petra Daniel & Christos Kassimeris, 2013)

‘The birthplace of Italian communism’: political identity and action amongst livorno fans (Doidge, 2013)

Contesting the ‘authentic’ community: Far-right spatial strategy and everyday responses in an era of crisis (Ince, 2011)

Articles on Fascism

The Swastika and the Shamrock: British Fascism and the Irish Question, 1918-1940 (Douglas, 1997)

Opposition to the New Party: an incipient anti-fascism or a defence against ‘Mosleyitis’? (Copsey, 2009)

“Apostles of Fascism,” “Communist Clergy,” and the UAW: Political Ideology and Working-Class Religion in Detroit, 1919–1945 (Pehl, 2012)


Ulster Unionists in America, 1972-1985 (Wilson, 2007)

Shot By Both Sides: Punk, Politics and the End of ‘Consensus’ (Worley, 2012)

1980 – date

Patterns of Racism: Interviews with National Front Members (Billig, 1978)

Extreme music for extreme people? Norwegian black metal and transcendent violence (Phillipov, 2011)

Voice of our blood: National Socialist discourses in black metal (Olson, 2011)

Continental Divide: Immigration and the New European Right (Rosenthal, 2011) 

Visions of Hate: Explaining Neo-Nazi Violence in the Russian Federation (Arnold, 2010)

Anti-Zionism and the Italian Extreme Right (Chiarini, 2008)

Right-Extremism in Germany: Recruitment of New Members (Braunthal, 2008)

At the Roots of the New Right-Wing Extremism in Portugal: The National Action Movement, 1985-1991 (Marchi, 2010)

Australian Fascism? A Revisionist Analysis of the Ideology of the New Guard (Cunningham, 2012)

Colin Jordan’s ‘Merrie England’ and ‘Universal Nazism’ (Jackson, 2011)

The EDL: Britain’s New Far Right Social Movement (Jackson, 2011)

Negotiating White Power Activist Stigma (Simi, 2009)

The Nationalist Party of America: Right-Wing Activism and Billy Roper’s White Revolution (Dentice, 2011)

Computer-Mediated False Consensus: Radical Online Groups, Social Networks and News Media (Wojcieszak, 2011)

My Thesis

Well this blog began in February as a way of making public all the material I had been given and discovered. I felt some of AFA’s primary material was at risk of being lost and, at the very least, not being widely available for those, like me, wishing to study AFA.

The material has been viewed on every continent  and I have received a number of emails about how the blog has helped with their personal study of anti-fascism. One was from Dr. Evan Smith at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia.

Although I’m not going to upload my thesis until it is marked (20th June) I will post my bibliography and a word cloud, mostly for my own memory recording.

I’d like to thank JH, LH, DC, DP, GO, LO, ST, SM, CW, SL and BH for their support and help. Much appreciated, seriously.

My bibliography – Public Bibiography

The Archivist