Red Lion Square and the Death of Kevin Gately

New Historical Express

On 15 June, 1974, Kevin Gately, an anti-fascist demonstrator and student at Warwick University, was killed during a demonstration in Red Lion Square in London, in a clash between police and anti-fascist demonstrators opposing the National Front’s meeting at Conway Hall. Next year will be the fortieth anniversary of his death. 

The following is an excerpt from my PhD thesis on the demonstration at Red Lion Square and the aftermath of Gately’s death, with a particular emphasis on the division between the Communist Party (the focus of my thesis) and the Trotskyist left, the International Marxist Group (IMG) and the International Socialists (IS) (A wider discussion of the left and anti-fascism in the 1970s can be found in my article here). 

red lion squaregately

On June 15, 1974, the National Front had organised a march through London, ending at Conway Hall in Red Lion Square. Liberation (formerly the Movement for Colonial Freedom)…

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Kevin Gately

RIP Kevin Gatley, died on the 15th of June, 1974; opposing racism and fascism.

Kevin Gately, a second year student of mathematics at the University of Warwick, was killed by the police in Red Lion Square, London, during an anti-National Front demonstration on 15 June 1974

Gatley, who was born in England of Irish parents, was the first person to be killed on a public political demonstration in Great Britain in 55 years.

The University of Warwick has an article on Kevin and here is a BBC article.