A Collection of Beatings and Images

Do you have corrections? Dates? Additions? Stories? Images? Simply comment them beneath the post or email them to antifascistarchive@gmail.com and I will amend accordingly.

Images (Left to Right):

  1. Red Action Banner (Date Unknown)
  2. Anti-Apartheid picket, S. African Embassy. “AFA supporters beat off a Nazi attack in Trafalgar Square after a Rememberance Sunday Demonstration” – Introduction to London AFA: September 1991
  3. “A fascist gets taught a lesson at speakers corner, Hyde Park 27/5/1989” – Beating the Fascists
  4. Talking With the Enemy: Policeman reads Red Action (1995)
  5. Redwatch picture from a Manchester Martyrs march. DN = Dessie Noonan (November, 1986)
  6. Fascist nurses busted nose in Albert Square, Manchester whilst anti-fascists look on (1994) – thanks Pedro, see Pedro’s comment for more information!
  7. John Tyndall, BNP leader, and David Copeland, the nail bomber. Tyndall looking worse for wear after  fighting broke out at the BNPs 15th Anniversary rally in Stratford , East London. (1997)
  8. The initial mock up for a new Anti-Nazi League magazine featuring UB40 and two members of the ANL, one of which would become a leading member of AFA (1981)
  9. Second side for above. (1981)
  10. Grover play at the Star and Garter, Manchester, for an AFA benefit. (Unknown Date).

13 thoughts on “A Collection of Beatings and Images

  1. Pingback: Weekly Update « Anti-Fascist Archive

    • Regarding Pic 6.

      I think this is 1994 and, if I am not mistaken, a Bloody Sunday March in Manchester. Martin McGuinness was supposed to be the key speaker. AFA were to provide the stewarding.

      This clueless twat came out of nowhere believing we were the fash!!

      He then started to take out from his bomber jacket a St. George’s Flag. Suffice to say he promptly figured out the hard way who he was dealing with and was summarily introduced to the Manchester tarmac!

      There was a great shot later of him lying unconscious with the flag covering his motionless body!

      Can’t remember but I think the pic later featured in Red Attitude or Red Action a few weeks later….

  2. Hi afaarchive. Indeed he did, indeed he did. The “chap” in question, approached the anti-fascist group thinking he was safe amongst “friends” and to spur things along he said those fateful words. Unfortunately – for him – the Reds got stuck into him instead!

  3. not sure picture 7 was AFA , wasn’t it what was to be the shortlived No Platform in action…long time ago so could be wrong

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